We are an academic center of excellence that works to improve the health of the public – one community at a time – through research, education, and service. We promote an environment of learning and inquiry, stressing the scientific method as a way of building knowledge about common pathways that affect health.
Our faculty ask provocative questions that challenge the status quo, build new models to test, and encourage students to conceive innovative ways to advance the field and bring effective solutions to communities that need them.
Our highly qualified, experienced and diverse faculty maintain an intimate, hands-on and personal approach. In addition, we combine research and training with service and interventions to translate our discoveries into policy and practice.
Drop a class after the drop/add period
Carlen Duncombe
Verify enrollment
Carlen Duncombe
Inquire about a hold in my student account
Carlen Duncombe
Obtain a copy of a course syllabus
Carlen Duncombe
Apply for graduation or extend graduation date
Carlen Duncombe
Develop a contract for Independent Study
Rosa Verdeja
Inquire about pending admission documents
Ginelle Solis
Inquire about payments related to student employment
Josie Lopez
Find out who my faculty advisor is
Shameka Jenkins
Understand capstone/thesis requirements and deadlines
Shameka Jenkins
Know when to finish my capstone with an “IP”
Shameka Jenkins
Inquire about funding opportunities for capstone/thesis and conferences
Ashley Gonzalez
Learn about the Delta Omega Student Association
Heather Rose
Schedule a mock interview
Shameka Jenkins
Find out about student employment opportunities
Shameka Jenkins
Work in summer without being enrolled
Rosa Verdeja
Apply for a Teaching Assistant position
Carlen Duncombe
Inquire about Career Advising (MD/MPH Program)
Dr. Hilit Mechaber
Obtain approval for credit waiver for an advanced degree
Heather Rose
Obtain approval for transfer credits & for non-DPHS UM courses
Rosa Verdeja
Inquire about a leave-of-absence
Rosa Verdeja
Apply for readmission, if discontinued for not having continuous enrollment
Rosa Verdeja
Learn how to request a recommendation letter for medical school
Rosa Verdeja
Inquire about medical school admission requirements
Rosa Verdeja
Request a visa extension, OPT, etc. (international students only)
Rosa Verdeja
Request letter for sponsors
Rosa Verdeja
Learn about current events at the Department of Public Health Sciences
Ashley Gonzalez
Learn about the Public Health Student Association (PHSA)
Ashley Gonzalez
Get assistance if access with ID card is not working
Ashley Gonzalez
Inquire about participating in focus groups
Ashley Gonzalez
Submit feedback for topics to be discussed at town hall meetings
Ashley Gonzalez
Obtain promotional DPHS products
Ashley Gonzalez
Participate in the exit interview prior to graduating
Ashley Gonzalez
Participate in the planning committee for the graduation reception
Ashley Gonzalez
Know when MD/MPH events & activities are scheduled
Manuela Lopez
Apply to be a ‘Canes Student Ambassador
Ginelle Solis
Inquire about participating in recruitment fairs, info sessions, etc.
Ginelle Solis
Learn about our social media accounts
Ginelle Solis
Learn about policies and procedures for DPHS and Graduate School
Rosa Verdeja
Learn about resources available for mental health wellness
Rosa Verdeja
Help with learning accommodations from UM Office of Disability
Rosa Verdeja
Learn how to provide feedback on policies, procedures, etc.
Rosa Verdeja
Discuss any form of discrimination
Rosa Verdeja
Discuss disputes regarding student records or grading policies
Rosa Verdeja
Discuss misconduct by a student, faculty, or staff
Rosa Verdeja
Get help downloading UM software
Orlando Garcia
Get assistance with IT issues in classrooms or computer labs
Amael Trujillo
Get help with Blackboard Ultra
Discuss administrative processes in the doctoral programs
Heather Rose
Learn about our accreditation process
Heather Rose
Obtain general information about the MD/MPH Program
Manuela Lopez
Inquire about the Public Health Course Schedule
Manuela Lopez
MD/MPH integration of public health and medical curriculum
Dr. Shirin Shafazand
MD/MPH NextGen curriculum requirements
Dr. Alberto Caban-Martinez
MD/MPH general inquiries and town hall meetings
Manuela Lopez
MD/MPH capstone requirements and deadlines
Manuela Lopez
MD/MPH funding opportunities for capstone and conferences
Manuela Lopez
MD/MPH registration, course schedules, evaluations and graduation
Carlen Duncombe
MD/MPH policies and procedures
Heather Rose
Inquire about funding opportunities for capstone/thesis and conferences
Manuela Lopez
Discuss programmatic issues (MD/MPH Program)
Manuela Lopez
MPH and MSPH programs
Dr. Viviana Horigian
MS in Biostatistics program
Dr. Tulay Koru-Sengul
MS in Climate and Health program
Dr. Neresh Kumar
MS in Prevention Science program
Dr. Sara St. George
PhD in Biostatistics program
Dr. Hemant Ishwaran
PhD in Epidemiology program
Dr. WayWay Hlaing
PhD in Prevention Science program
Dr. Eric Brown
Onboarding and access
Pilar Ramirez
Discretionary monitoring and reconciliations
Laura Gutierrez
The hiring of students, staff, or faculty
Josie Lopez
Video conferencing and A/V equipment
Orlando Garcia
Training/supervising admin. student employees
Pilar Ramirez
Expenditure compliance
Jessica Carbajal
Organize and schedule meetings
Pilar Ramirez
Proposal guidance
Simone Whitehead
Annual promotion and tenure
Josie Lopez
Budget and compliance questions
Jessica Carbajal
Computer equipment and desktop support
Orlando Garcia
Office of Research Administration
Simone Whitehead
Space management
Orlando Garcia
NIH and internal UM policies related to grants
Simone Whitehead
Department office management
Pilar Ramirez
Work orders (facilities/telecom)
Orlando Garcia
Back up administrative support to Chair’s office
Pilar Ramirez