What are the most crucial issues facing Miami-Dade from the perspective of your line of work?
“ConnectFamilias is a community-based partnership whose mission is to build healthy communities where children and families thrive and succeed. Together with over 70+ cross-sector partners, we are working to build health equity for families in Miami-Dade. Through our collective work, we are able to co-design community solutions that address our community’s pressing health, educational and social concerns. These concerns include, but are not limited to lack of access to behavioral/mental health services, social support/connections, low health literacy, poor family functioning, substance use, lack of coordination between healthcare providers and health inequities created by disparities in social determinants of health (i.e. low-income, food insecurity, low educational attainment, poor housing affordability and living conditions, lack of social support, and more).”
-- Betty Alonso, President & CEO, ConnectFamilias
“Equitable health access and educating people on health issues in a way that is valid, accurate, reliable, and culturally/language appropriate.”
-- Islara B. Souto, Health Coach; President & CEO, AvMed and Ydeas, Inc.
“The "know-how" and availability of resources for the community, to initiate and maintain proper diet and nutrition.”
-- KeTia S. Harris, Community Health Data Specialist, Jessie Trice Community Health System
“The need to become better organized for Collective Impact, the need for Person-Centered Care and People-Centered Public Health, and the need to Develop online public health services and educational projects working in collaboration with community organizations.”
-- Dr. Imelda Mercedes Medina, President, Familias Unidas International, Inc.
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