Name: Eric C. Brown, Ph.D.; Principal Investigator Education(s): PhD in Educational Measurement and Research Design. Cognate in Children’s Mental Health and Prevention Science. MA in Economics. BA in International Studies and Economics (Specialization in Latin America). Certificate in Mental Health Evaluation. University of South Florida; Tampa, FL. Place of birth: Chicago, IL Favorite Quote: Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence. ---Louis Pasteur Link to CV: Bio: Dr. Eric C. Brown, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor with the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Department of Public Health Sciences, where he directs the Department’s PhD Program in in Prevention Science and Community Health. Dr. Brown works on the implementation and dissemination of family-, school-, and community-based preventive interventions in the United States and in Latin America. Dr. Brown’s specific research interests center around the application of advanced research methods to evaluate the effectiveness of prevention programs and implementation systems, with a focus on the measurement of implementation fidelity. He currently is the Principal Investigator of a large-scale alcohol prevention implementation project, Businesses That Care - Zacatecas, and an Organization of American States-funded project that is reviewing the implementation of preventive interventions for youth alcohol and drug use in Latin America and the Caribbean. Dr. Brown has conducted numerous trainings, workshops, and lectures in Prevention Science and Implementation Science throughout the Americas. He currently teaches Implementation and Dissemination Science, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, and Advanced Quantitative Research Methods in the Department’s MS and PhD programs in Prevention Science and Community Health. Name: Arthur de Oliveira Corrêa Education(s): MA in Clinical Psychology and Culture. BA in Psychology. University of Brasília; Brasília, Brazil. Place of birth: Brasília, Brazil Favorite Quote: Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way. ---Martin Luther King Jr. Link to CV: Bio: Arthur is a prevention scientist that has focused his career on the development and adaptation of measures of youth risk and protective factors for Latin American countries, as well as measures of community leader readiness for prevention implementation. As a trainer, he has conducted numerous trainings, guest lectures, and workshops in prevention science in several countries (in English, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese). He is certified in the Communities That Care system and the Guiding Good Choices family program, and has several research certifications. His area of specialization is in community readiness for implementing and sustaining evidence-based preventive interventions for health and behavior problems. Other areas of knowledge include: risk and protective factor assessment; Community-Based Participatory Research; Social Development Strategy; and Results-Based Accountability. Name: Pablo Montero-Zamora Education(s): PhD in Prevention Science and Community Health, University of Miami; Miami, FL. Master of Science in Epidemiology, Health Metrics, National Institute of Public Health in Mexico; Cuernavaca, Mexico. Master of Science in Dentistry (Specialization in Preventive and Community Dentistry). Complutense University of Madrid; Madrid, Spain. Doctor in Dental Surgery. University of Costa Rica; San Jose, Costa Rica. Certificate in Global Burden of Disease. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Place of birth: San Jose, Costa Rica Favorite Quote: Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. ---Albert Einstein Link to CV: Bio: Dr. Pablo Montero-Zamora works as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, where he is a Provost’s Early Career Fellow at the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education at the College of Education. Since 2021, Dr. Montero-Zamora serves as an active collaborator of the PERLA lab at the Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Miami. He has an extensive research experience in Latin-American, especially in Mexico, where he served as the Project Director for the Business That Care prevention system in Zacatecas between 2018 and 2021. Dr. Montero-Zamora has been certified as a trainer of several evidence-based preventive interventions such as Communities That Care, the Social Development Strategy, and Guiding Good Choices. His research focuses on the adaptation, implementation, and evaluation of preventive interventions. Name: Francisco Cardozo Education(s): PhD student in the Prevention Science and Community Health Program. University of Miami; Miami, FL. Master of Science in Psychology. Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Psychologist. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Place of birth: Colombia. Favorite Quote: If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants. ---Isaac Newton Link to CV: Bio: Francisco is a psychologist from La Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and he studied a master's in psychology in La Universidad de Los Andes. Francisco worked as a researcher from 2012 to 2017 at Corporación Nuevos Rumbos, an ONG dedicated to drug abuse research and prevention. He has experience in implementing and evaluating strategies to avoid drug use in young people. Francisco has participated in the adaptation of Communities That Care in Colombia and Chile. Also, he taught quantitative methods and program evaluation at La Universidad del Bosque, and the quantitative methods laboratory in the Faculty of Education at La Universidad de Los Andes. Francisco has skills using statistical software like R and Stata. Name: Aidan Wells Education(s): Master of Public Health Candidate. Master of Arts in Latin American Studies Candidate. University of Miami; Miami, FL. BA in Spanish. BS in Biology. University of Georgia; Athens, GA. Place of birth: Alpharetta, GA Favorite Quote: "Nothing is worth more than laughter. It is strength to laugh and to abandon oneself, to be light.”- Frida Kahlo Bio: Aidan is a second-year masters student pursuing dual degrees in Latin American Studies and Public Health. She attended the University of Georgia for her undergraduate education where she obtained a BA in Spanish and a BS in Biology. Aidan has professional background as a graphic designer and in addition to pursuing her degrees, she currently works as a graphic design consultant at Georgia-Pacific, an Atlanta-based pulp and paper company where she has worked since 2018. Aidan also holds a position as the Health Communications Graduate Intern at the University of Miami Student Health Service where she has worked since 2019, creating health promotion materials for students on the UM campus. Following graduation, Aidan hopes to pursue a career in Health Communications. Name: Carolina Guidi Gentil Education(s): Master’s in social psychology at Pontific Catholic University of São Paulo. Psychologist, B.A at University of Brasília. Place of birth: Brasília, Brazil Favorite Quote: “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” Angela Davis Link to CV: Bio: Carolina is a psychologist from University of Brasilia and studied a master’s in social psychology at Pontific Catholic University of São Paulo. Carolina has a diverse background having worked and studied juridical psychology and worked as a social psychologist at a Death Threatened Children and Adolescents in Brazil for 2 years. Carolina has been teaching in different Psychology Colleges and Universities since 2017, and work as a Clinical Psychologist with a private practice since 2014, working with mental health. Having worked with different realities in Brazil now works also as an External consultant with PERLA Lab since 2020 where is developing strategies to implement Communities that Care in Brazil, and also with other projects of the Lab. Carolina aims to implement and study preventive practices and strategies in Latin America and in Brazil.